Wednesday, November 29, 2006

second trimester

this week marks the beginning of my second trimester. i am less tired today, or maybe i am just hoping that what doctors and books say is true about this trimester. i still have no cravings (at least not abnormal ones), however i have an aversion to coffee. in the coming weeks, baby chaud will begin to make his/her presence known. i expect my belly to get bigger and to feel some fluttering. i'll keep you posted. patrick and i are beginning to think about the baby's room and what we need to do and save in the next 6 months. a lot of my time is spent thinking in the short term while patrick is busy thinking about all that he can teach him/her.


Peg Dae said...

I think that first flutter of your baby is one of the most exciting parts of being pregnant. It makes it all so real. Then it gets strong enough for Dad to feel. We are excited for you.

Anonymous said...

Nicole! Man how I wish I were in the loft watching you flutter and grow! Boo! Hoo!

Love this blog, so much fun! Will it include pictures of you and pappy?!

XOXOX, Phoebe

nicole said...

maybe i will post interesting shots of my belly. i have been known to be artistic.