my beautiful kids love to make funny faces and at 9 months, they look a lot alike
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"Out for the first sunny day of Spring 2011" episode. It's been a long 2011 Winter & Spring, so we were motivated to take Jack and Claudia out to enjoy a sunny Spring day. We wanted to show them our blooming crocus (very hearty, first to bloom),tulips, flock, etc. We protect them from the sun with hats and sun screen. I was lathering Jack up when he asked me "How does this sun screen work ?" I was perplexed, "Hey, I'm an engineer, not a dermatologist expert like his father. I could say wait until your father comes home, but the right way was to try my best to explain to a 4 year old, how this works. I said, "It's like the bill on your hat that shades your eyes from the direct sun light", I used my hand to simulate a hat bill, Jack mimiced my physical example, so charming. He seemed to understand. Another step towards becoming an independent person, I don't think the questions will be come easier. We had a great time ! Claudia who usually doesn't like to be constrained, enjoyed viewing the outdoors just from her stroller as Jack & I played tag, he won all the time !, love, grandpa robichaud
1 comment:
"Out for the first sunny day of Spring 2011" episode. It's been a long 2011 Winter & Spring, so we were motivated to take Jack and Claudia out to enjoy a sunny Spring day. We wanted to show them our blooming crocus (very hearty, first to bloom),tulips, flock, etc. We protect them from the sun with hats and sun screen. I was lathering Jack up when he asked me "How does this sun screen work ?" I was perplexed, "Hey, I'm an engineer, not a dermatologist expert like his father. I could say wait until your father comes home, but the right way was to try my best to explain to a 4 year old, how this works. I said, "It's like the bill on your hat that shades your eyes from the direct sun light", I used my hand to simulate a hat bill, Jack mimiced my physical example, so charming. He seemed to understand. Another step towards becoming an independent person, I don't think the questions will be come easier. We had a great time ! Claudia who usually doesn't like to be constrained, enjoyed viewing the outdoors just from her stroller as Jack & I played tag, he won all the time !, love, grandpa robichaud
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