Sunday, December 31, 2006

Whale of a Tale

I'm in the early stages of designing a mobile for Baby Chaud's room. This idea has been knocking around my head in one form or the other for a good four years, but the idea of co-opting the concept for a baby's room fits well in my agenda. The theme will be sea creatures so as to play well with the Calypso-inspired theme Nicole wishes to adhere to. I'm looking for good control art, though I have a few sources identified, in case anyone wishes to spend money superfluously.

I'm hoping to make it both whimsical yet still rigorously scientific, such is my wont in life.

I plan to read Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea to him shortly after he's born. I have a fabulous copy Janelle gave me years ago, with its gold ink majesty and full color illustrations it will complete the nautical theme. Afterall, the kid is currently completely aquatic, so it will make a rather prosaic story for his transition to terrestrial life.

What baby doesn't want a horde of tentacles, shells and fins over them at night?


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if that was one of the books Pat's Dad read to he and Scott or not. I remember Gulliver's Travels and Tom Sawyer being read to them.

Pat, you have always loved to read and I am sure your love of reading will be a big part of your son's life.

Anonymous said...

Hello, I recall reading bedtime stories of "Huckaberry Finn", "Tom Sawyer" and "Gulliver's Travels" to Patrick and Scott. I thought the Gulliver's Travels was little abstract with the political satire but the stories had a fanciful flair with action/adventure.

The bedtimes stories are a great closer to a busy day for both child and parent.
love, Dad Robichaud